Whom to contact

BenoƮt Chachuat
Senior Lecturer
Current Affiliation: Imperial College, Department of Chemical Engineering
Phone: +44 20 7594 5594
Email: b.chachuat@imperial.ac.uk
Web: http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/people/b.chachuat

Alexander Mitsos
Assistant Professor
Current Affiliation: MIT, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Email: mitsos@mit.edu
Web: http://meche.mit.edu/people/faculty/index.html?id=365

Paul I. Barton
Professor of Chemical Engineering
Phone: +1 (617) 253-6526
Fax: +1 (617) 258-5042
Email: pib@mit.edu
Web: http://web.mit.edu/cheme/people/profile.html?id=2