10.35s: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Chemical Processes
10.490: Integrated Chemical Engineering I
Presents and solves chemical engineering problems in an industrial context. Emphasis is placed on the integration of fundamental concepts with approaches of process design. Problems are emphasized that demand synthesis, economic analysis, and process design.
10.551: Systems Engineering
Introduction to the elements of systems engineering. Special attention devoted to those tools that help students structure and solve complex problems. Illustrative examples drawn from a broad variety of chemical engineering topics, including product development and design, process development and design, experimental and theoretical analysis of physico-chemical process, analysis of process operations, etc.
10.557: Mixed-integer and Nonconvex Optimization
Presents the theory and practice of deterministic algorithms for locating the global solution of NP-hard optimization problems. Recurring themes and methods are convex relaxations, branch-and-bound, cutting planes, outer approximation and primal-relaxed dual approaches. Emphasis is placed on the connections between methods. As the course progresses these methods will be applied and illustrated in the development of algorithms for mixed-integer linear programs, mixed-integer convex programs, nonconvex programs, mixed-integer nonconvex programs, semi-infinite programs and programs with ordinary differential equations embedded. The broad range of engineering applications for these optimization formulations will also be emphasized. Students will be assessed on homework and a term project for which examples from own research are encouraged.
10.976: Process Design, Operations and Control
Seminars on the state of the art in design, operations, and control of processing systems, with emphasis on computer-based tools. Discussions guided by the research interests of participating students. Topics include mathematical and numerical techniques, representational methodologies, and software development.
IAP 2002 : Automatic Differentiation and Automated Code Generation Techniques for Scientific Computing
An Automatic (or Algorithmic) Differentiation (AD) tool takes a user’s model coded in an imperative programming language, and from this automatically generates new code that will evaluate analytical partial derivative values for this model. The course is intended to be of interest to anyone at the Institute interested in computational science and engineering, and what AD tools can do for them. The theory and implementation of derivative value computation using AD will be covered, and extensions to other applications such a sparsity patterns, discontinuity handling, interval extensions, and convex relaxations. Lectures will be accompanied by electronic classroom sessions where students will get a chance to use the AD tool DAEPACK.